Section: 6 | Minerals and pigments (MP) | Page: 437 |
IRUG filename: IMP00437 | Data type: Infrared | IRUG material class: Minerals and pigments (MP) |
Sample type: Reference material | Common name(s): Trona | Chemical/botanical name(s): Acid carbonate (class), thermonatrite (mineral group) |
Sample source 1: Natron Lakes | Source location 1: Egypt | Sample source 2: British Museum |
Source location 2: Great Russell Street, London, WC1B-3DG, UK | Sample identifier 2: BM59235 | Sample source 3: The Natural History Museum, National Museums of Scotland |
Source location 3: Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK, Edinburgh, UK | Color: Colorless | Other: Spectrum is identical to that of synthetic sodium sesquicarbonate |
Application: Transmission FTIR spectroscopy | Mode: Tran | Literature Reference: Jones, G. C., and B. Jackson. Infrared Transmission Spectra of Carbonate Minerals. London: Chapman & Hall, 1993. Maglione, G., and M. Carn. "Spectres Infrarouges Des Mineraux Slins Et Des Silicates Neoformes Dans Le Bassin Tchadien (Infrared Spectra of Saline and Silicate Minerals from the Chad Basin)." Fr., Off. Rech. Sci. Tech. Outre Mer, Cah., Ser. Geol. 7 (1975): 3-9. Ryskin, Ya. I. "The Vibrations of Protons in Minerals: Hydroxyl, Water and Ammonium." The Infrared Spectra of Minerals. Ed. V. C. Farmer. Monograph 4 ed. London: Mineralogical Society of London, 1974. 137-81. White, W. B. "The Carbonate Minerals." The Infrared Spectra of Minerals. Ed. V. C. Farmer. Monograph 4 ed. London: Mineralogical Society of London, 1974. 227-84. |
Originating institution name: Natural History Museum, National Museums of Scotland | Originating institution acronym: NHM | Molecular formula: C2 H5 Na3 O8 |
Linear formula: Na3(CO3)(HCO3)*2H2O | Other analytical methods: EDS, SEM, XRD (8149F NHM std=troma (+ trace quartz)) |