Interactive IRUG Spectrum


IRUG filename:
Data type:
IRUG material class:
Minerals and pigments (MP)
Sample type:
Reference material
Common name(s):
Takovite with some kaolinite eardleyite (formerly)
Chemical/botanical name(s):
Hydrated carbonate with hydroxyl or halogen (class), pvroaurite (mineral group)
CAS name:
Takovite (Al2Ni6(CO3)​(OH)​16.4H2O)
Sample source 1:
Carr Boyd Rocks Mine
Source location 1:
Goongarrie, Western Australia
Sample source 2:
British Museum
Source location 2:
Great Russell Street, London, WC1B-3DG, UK
Sample identifier 2:
Sample source 3:
The Natural History Museum, National Museums of Scotland
Source location 3:
Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK, Edinburgh, UK
Blue, green, pale
Former name=eardleyite, the peak at 1015 cm-1 is thought to be due to inseparable kaolinite impurity- see Bish
Transmission FTIR spectroscopy
Literature Reference:
Jones, G. C., and B. Jackson. Infrared Transmission Spectra of Carbonate Minerals. London: Chapman & Hall, 1993.Bish, D. L., and G. W. Brindley. "A Reinvestigation of Takovite, a Nickel Aluminum Hydroxy Carbonate of the Pyraurite Group." American Mineralogist 62.5, 6 (1977): 458-64.Brindley, G. W. "The Structure and Chemistry of the Hydrous Nickel Silicate and Aluminate Minerals." Ed. J. Goni. Bulletin Du Bureau De Recherches Geologiques Et Minieres, Section 2: Geologie Appliquee, Chronique Des Mines 3 (1978): 233-45. Nickel, E. H., C. E. S. Davis, M. Bussell, P. J. Bridge, J. G. Dunn, and R. D. MacDonald. "Eardleyite as a Product of the Supergene Alteration of Nickel Sulfides in Western Australia." American Mineralogist 62.5, 6 (1977): 449-57.
Originating institution name:
Natural History Museum, National Museums of Scotland
Originating institution acronym:
Molecular formula:
C3 H24 Al2 Ni6 O23
Linear formula:
CAS registry no:
Other analytical methods:
EDS (Ni & Al with minor Zn and trace Fe, Si), SEM, XRD (19310 NHM std=takovite)